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agenda.tcl (1362B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env tclsh8.6
      3 array set colors {
      4     black   "\033\[1;30m"
      5     red     "\033\[1;31m"
      6     green   "\033\[1;32m"
      7     yellow  "\033\[1;33m"
      8     blue    "\033\[1;34m"
      9     magenta "\033\[1;35m"
     10     cyan    "\033\[1;36m"
     11     white   "\033\[1;37m"
     12     end     "\033\[0m"
     13 }
     15 proc print {text in color} {
     16     global colors
     17     puts -nonewline $colors($color)
     18     puts -nonewline $text
     19     puts $colors(end)
     20 }
     22 if {[llength $argv] > 0 & [lindex $argv 0] eq {next}} {
     23     set next next
     24     set time [clock scan "next week"]
     25 } else {
     26     set next {}
     27     set time [clock seconds]
     28 }
     30 lassign [clock format $time -format "%W %d %m %Y"] \
     31     week day month year 
     33 if {$next ne {}} {
     34     set day -1
     35 }
     37 set calendar [open "/home/anton/data/planing/calendar.txt"]
     38 set lines [split [read $calendar] "\n"]
     39 close $calendar
     41 foreach line $lines {
     42     # year
     43     if {[string first "$year  " $line] == 0} {
     44         print $line in red
     45         continue
     46     }
     47     # month
     48     if {[string first "$year-$month  " $line] == 0} {
     49         print $line in yellow
     50         continue
     51     }
     52     # today, print green
     53     if {[string first "$year-$month-$day " $line] == 0} {
     54         print $line in green
     55         continue
     56     }
     57     # another days of week
     58     if {[string first "w$week" $line] > -1 & \
     59         [string first "$year-" $line] == 0} {
     60         puts $line
     61         continue
     62     }
     63 }